
Tokyo, In 1994, an effects studio in Tokyo developed an eccentric compact effects pedal. It was a product with rather challenging specifications, capable of producing three distortion tones in a single unit. It is capable of producing a wide range of tones, from a straightforward sound that faithfully reproduces the player's nuances to a 80's distortion sound with a thick edge. In addition, there is a "Fuzz Mode" that is not recommended by the developer (!), which he calls "Forbidden. The "Fuzz Mode," which was not recommended by the developer, was called "Forbidden," and its peculiar tones, comparable to 70's Fuzz sound, were also a topic of conversation.

At the time, the product was not perfect, but a number of guitar players were fascinated by the idea and the variety of tones that could be realized. It was highly acclaimed by many professional artists. In 2005, the production of the first model was discontinued and the company (BIXONIC) was also suspended.

However, even today, there is no end to the number of fans who are attracted to its sound, and it has come to be known as a "legendary machine.

The effects pedal was named "EXPANDORA" after the dynamic range expander circuit that was originally developed by focusing on the amplification characteristics of photocouplers.

In 2020, BIXONIC, the creator of EXPANDORA, will relaunch as a new business of KIKUSUI ELECTRONICS, a manufacturer of precision electronic measuring instruments, and will deliver new effect pedals that no one has ever seen before, making full use of KIKUSUI's precision signal processing know-how and the latest digital technology. KIKUSUI ELECTRONICS is now delivering new effect pedals never seen before to the world!

Chronicle of BIXONIC and EXPANDORA
1992: Founding of Bright International Corp.
1994: EXPANDORA EXP-2000 production and sales started. The BIXONIC brand is launched, combining the initials BIC and Sonic of Bright International Corp.
1999: Begins production and sales of EXPANDORA II EXP-2001 with FET circuit.
2000: Spun off the BIXONIC brand and established BIXONIC Inc.
2004: Developed EXPANDORA REISSUE EXP-2000R, an improved version that reproduced the photo coupler circuit, and consigned exclusive sales to GODLYKE in the U.S.
2005: BIXONIC Inc. ceases operations.
2020: BIXONIC Inc.'s trademarks and design assets are transferred to Kikusui Electronics Corp. BIXONIC was re-launched as a new audio business of Kikusui Electronics, and development of the successor model of the EXPANDORA started.
2022: AXENTRIX A1 was released as the first product of the new BIXONIC.

*Note: The last model of the EXPANDORA series under the BIXONIC brand was discontinued in 2005, and we have no design, manufacturing, sales, or any other relationship with EXPANDORA currently manufactured and sold in the U.S. under any brand other than the BIXONIC brand, and we have not granted any rights to them. The rights to such products have not been granted by the Company. We cannot respond to any inquiries or claims regarding the product in question. We ask for your understanding in advance.